SHARK ID is a smart phone-book app for your smartphone.
Shark id is your unique global identity which is 6 to 10 character long.Keep it simple and easy to remember because Your Shark id is your mobile no.,email id,address,fb,username,etc.


1.Download app from here.
2.Register using your phone number.
3.Claim your SharkID as you want.
4.Create your personal card.
5.Explore your new auto-updating phone book.


Refer SharkID to your 20 friends to earn Paytm cashback of Rs. 251.

To be eligible for Paytm cashback of Rs.251 you need to have 20 active users.
Also,rating SharkID on playstore is mandatory.


1.Download and create an account on SharkID and claim your SharkID(make sure you claim your name as your SharkID).
2.Go to :"My Refferal Code".
3.Invite your friends to download SharkID app and register.
4.Search a friend through his SharkID ,phone or QR code.
5.Send request to these friends to access their Personal Card.
6.Check notifications to getr requests and updates.

Paytm cashback will be initiated after days once they confirm your reffral credit of 20 active users.

NOTE:I advice you to invite more than 20 friends because in case somebody has uninstalled the app ,deleted account or is not your personnel connection,and if you fall short opf 20 active users,they won't fire cashback of Rs.251 to you.

Must visit my fb group for updates:
fb group-click here.


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